Urban Sociability Practices Online among Youth in Paris-Region Sensitive Urban Zones
This paper interrogates the complementarity between the social interactions in urban and online spaces of adolescents who live in Sensitive Urban Zones (ZUS) in the Ile-de-France region. It allows us to refine static approaches to segregation, which put the emphasis on the detrimental effect of the lack of contact with other people on the social integration of adolescents. While these practices of social interaction are strongly influenced by the social and economic environment of the adolescents, they can also be the support for more or less ephemeral interactions with people from another geographical or social background. There is therefore an adequacy between the diverse forms of cohabitation of adolescents from the ZUS with those from other areas in both urban and digital public spaces. These different ways of interacting in these spaces finally reveal different ways of living in a segregated neighbourhood.