The territorial effect of transport networks in question: Long-term prospects No 122, 2020/4 - 92 pagesPages 1 to 3The territorial effect of transport networks in question: Long-term prospectsBy Christophe Mimeur, Thomas ThéveninPages 4 to 25Enlarging perspectives on the Grand Paris Express: Modelling speed and accessibility increases within the public transportation network of the Paris region (1995-2050)By Anne Bretagnolle, Antonin Pavard, Liliane Lizzi, Antoine BrèsPages 26 to 52The Paris Basin ring road: a polycentric pipedream? Evidence from coevolution of accessibility and commuting, 1982-2015By Florent Le NéchetPages 53 to 68A structuring effect on territories? Rail as a tool and symbol of regional construction in the south of FranceBy Bruno RevelliPages 69 to 87Diachronic analysis of the growth of the French railway network between 1860 and 1930: connectionist expansion and hierarchical selection?By Christophe Mimeur, Thomas ThéveninBibliographyPages 88 to 89L’ordre électrique. Infrastructures énergétiques et territoires, Lopez (Fanny), Geneva: MétisPresses, 2019By Denis BocquetPages 90 to 92L’architecture des nouvelles mobilités. Le Projet Hub, Guiheux (Alain), Rouillard (Dominique) (eds.), Geneva: MétisPresses, collection vues d’ensemble Essais, 2020By Nicolas Descamps