Varia No 127, 2022/1 - 86 pagesPages 1 to 2EditorialBy Carine Henriot, Valérie SchaferPages 3 to 11When Citroën and Renault operated coaches: new entrants and old networks in the Paris metropolitan area in the 1930sBy Arnaud PassalacquaPages 12 to 27Technical changes in stormwater management: the case of SUDS in Lyon’s area (1990-2010)By Céline Patouillard, Jean-Yves Toussaint, Sophie VareillesPages 28 to 47The ambivalences of local transport policy faced with the realities of a public space redevelopment project: the case of the Marseille Vieux-PortBy Benoit Romeyer, Frédérique Hernandez, translated by Michael PaulPages 48 to 64The setting-up of a car-less city centre in Oslo: a genuine automotive restriction policy, or a mere redevelopment of the public space following the removal of motorised traffic?By Grégoire TortosaPages 65 to 84The governance of urban data between projects territory and territory project. The example of Rennes MétropoleBy Marie-Anaïs Le Breton, Hélène Bailleul, Jean-Baptiste Le Corf, Boris MericskayBibliographyPages 85 to 86Redeploying Urban Infrastructure. The Politics of Urban Socio-Technical Futures, Jonathan Rutherford, Cham: Springer Nature, 2020, 191 pagesBy Denis Bocquet