Varia No 123, 2021/1 - 85 pagesPages 1 to 2EditorialBy Carine Henriot, Valérie SchaferPages 3 to 29The modernization of water systems and urban structures in Iran: a crash test for the Persian tradition of water culture and integrationBy Ayda Alehashemi, Jean-François CoulaisPages 30 to 53A walkability audit tool adapted to the specific population of older pedestrians in urban areasBy Florence Huguenin-Richard, Marie-Soleil CloutierPages 54 to 73What do the inhabitants of rural areas think about mobility? A textual analysis of the database of the “Grand Débat” in FranceBy Aurore FlipoBibliographyPages 74 to 76On n’est pas des robots, Ouvrières et ouvriers de la logistique, Barbier Clément, Cuny Cécile, Gaborieau David, Mohadjer Nathalie, Raimbault Nicolas, Simon Gwendal and Soichet Hortense, Grâne: Créaphis, 2020, 212 pagesBy Adeline HeitzPages 77 to 79Attention fragile ! Économie et politique de la messagerie postale en France, XIXe-XXe siècle, Laborie Léonard and Richez Sébastien, Brussels: Peter Lang, 2020, 316 pagesBy Arnaud PassalacquaPages 80 to 82Repenser la transition énergétique, un défi pour les sciences humaines et sociales, Baggioni Vincent, Burger Céline, Cacciari Joseph and Mangold Marie (eds.), Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2019, 271 pagesBy Géraldine Bouchet-BlancouPages 83 to 85Remaking Berlin. A History of the City through Infrastructure (1920-2020), Moss Timothy, Cambridge (MA), The MIT Press, 2020, 452 pagesBy Denis Bocquet